
Manny Pacquiao Revealed his Secret

LAS VEGAS - DECEMBER 3:  Boxer Manny Pacquiao ...
Manny Pacquiao, who was just named the Boxer of the Decade by Reuter, revealed his secrets of his power and strength.

During his birthday party last  December 17, 2009, Manny Pacquiao revealed his secrets to his guests.
He told his 1,500 visitors that "I had a talk with God" .

According to Manny Pacquiao, GOD promised him "power and strength" as long as he would give his unconditional faith to HIM.

Well, that is very, very obvious of Manny.  He never ceases to pray and express his thanks to God.  He obviously learned this to his mother, Nanay Dionesia.

We always heard this kind of revelation but never from a famous boxer like the Pacman. "Talking to GOD" is a very, very rare opportunity that one could achieve when it comes to unconditional faith. Most of us believe and have faith in God.  But, seldom we could hear that someone have encountered GOD and actually talking with HIM.

If this revelation is what I perceived it is,  then Manny Pacquiao does not only inspire us filipinos to be more dedicated and hardworking to each and every endeavor that we are trying to achieve,  but the Pacman also give us a revealing thought that giving an unconditional faith and love to GOD is a must in order for us to be successful in life.

No doubt, that many of us are always wondering why we are not still successful in life inspite of our dedication and hardwork to our respective jobs and businesses. And that is because, we miss the  "...giving of an unconditional faith to GOD."

We have faith in God,  yet when it comes to doing our respective jobs and businesses, most of us put our faith to ourselves. We always think that we know what to do and rely to our sheer knowledge and talent. Very. very rare in our endeavor that we involved God in our struggle towards success. And, sad to say most of us remember GOD, only -  when we are already a failure.

Baby Jesus in the manger
So, since we are going to celebrate Christmas and New Year as well, I would like to suggest that we have to contemplate what Manny Pacquiao revealed to us. And, make this our New Year's resolution that... 

"...in every tasks that we are going to do,  in fulfilling our dreams and aspirations, we must include GOD with it and give our unconditional faith to HIM."


Thanks a lot Manny Pacquiao for the Secret that you Revealed. May GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS!



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